



Grand Rapids Charter Township


Why I believe the time for change is now and why I think you should, too

As a dedicated mother to a vibrant 3-year-old, a wife, and someone living with an invisible disability, I see the pressing need for change every day. With a public service career spanning over a decade — and several additional years as a Quality Software Engineer, I have dedicated my professional life to government service and software solutions that enhance our citizens' lives and our government's operational efficiencies. This technical background has empowered me with a unique perspective on how technology can be leveraged to improve our Township…

Key Issues and Policies

Sustainable Development and Green Spaces

"Protect and enhance our green spaces and water resources to ensure a healthy, sustainable environment for current and future generations.”

Enhanced Accessibility and Public Transportation

"Improve pedestrian safety, disability access, and introduce public bus services to connect our community to essential services and local attractions."

Technology and Governance Innovation

"Leverage my expertise in software development to bring transparency and efficiency to township operations, including online township meetings for greater accessibility."

Community Engagement and Infrastructure

"Expand local farmers markets, public park initiatives, and assess future infrastructure needs such as high-speed internet and sustainable utility services."

Sustainable. Accessible. Exceptional.

Grand Rapids Charter Township— Moving Forward

"Committed to enhancing the quality of life in Grand Rapids Charter Township through sustainable development, inclusive accessibility, and innovative governance. By harnessing our community's spirit and the potential of technology, we will create a thriving, transparent, and connected township for all residents."

Let’s kickstart our Community

Ready to step up and volunteer or interested in donating to the campaign?